Everything Happens Over a Thick Cold Coffee

The winter is in its optimal form and joy is everywhere. This is surely a romantic environment, not only for committed couples but also for would-be couples. The New Year has started and everyone is coming up with resolutions and commitments for the year, or perhaps for a lifetime!

Are you at a stage, wondering about when and where to whisper those three precious words in his or her ears? Are you planning for a ‘Proposal’?

We understand your difficulties; after all, we have gone through this phase! It is too much of planning…it has to be a perfect place, a perfect setting, perfect beverage, and a perfect moment. Well, guess what, we have figured it out. Café Choco Craze is the ‘perfect place’ for your long-planned ‘Proposal’. You have to just visit us once and tell us about how do you want it, and we will take care of it!

We see so many couples these days, proposing over our Thick Cold Coffee popular as Frolicks. Gone are the days of regular hot coffee; Cold Coffee is where everything happens. We make nine varieties of Frolicks, one for each of your ‘Proposal’ needs.

Why does it happen over Cold Coffee?

Good question. Here is a simple answer. We say that a good beverage such as our Thick Cold Coffee, which is delicious, ice cold, viscous dark brown liquid, rich in Chocolate, and garnished with Choco chips is a way to reach to the heart of your guest. The better the coffee, the better your success probability is. Really! We are not kidding!

Coffee contains caffeine that enhances brain activity and gives sensations of pleasure and a mild feeling of happiness, everything that should ease your difficulties in pleasing your guest. Chocolate makes humans feel happy and makes up a positive mood, another important thing for increasing your success probability. Our Cold Coffee, hence, is the best of beverages you should have on your ‘Proposal’ day. This is not manipulating, this is the ‘perfect’ everything you are looking for! You can make it even better by replacing Cold Coffee by our top products – Chocolick MM and Chocolick B. As Charles Schulz says, ‘All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.’

Sorry, we are not stereotyping, but girls go crazy for Chocolate. A quick fun fact – Chocolate helps women by stabilizing their body hormones. So if you are a guy planning to woo a girl of your dreams, what could be a better option but to ease the talk over a mug of Chocolick B. Cold chocolate, in our experience, is much more tempting than hot chocolate.

After all, it is you, who have to take the decision of your life. We are supporters and would love to cheer you up, while you are playing on the front foot. For more ‘Proposal’ ideas, keep looking this space. Valentine’s Day is upcoming. We await you to help you with your ‘Proposal’.

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